Matt Brady posted the following column at Newsarama:
As promised, here's my take:
5. In Order to Get Things Done, Sometimes You Have to Reach Across the (Super Hero) Aisle.
In both the Marvel and physical universes, this is completely untrue. No one has “reached across the aisle” more than our current President George W. Bush, and he has been called Hitler, a dummy, and a war criminal. He has the lowest public approval ratings in history. “Reaching across the aisle” hasn’t been the answer.
In the Marvel Universe, the “heroes” have fought a Civil War to settle their differences. The heroes stood by the principles, to the death. The winner prevailed.
By the way, absolutely nothing in Barry’s political history suggests that he will attempt to do anything other than be an extreme leftist partisan.
4. The Press Isn’t Your Friend
My response: bwahahahahaha...
I’m not sure if J. Jonah Jameson is capable of feeling a thrill going up his leg, but Joe Q. will probably write that in. If the press in the Marvel universe begins to resemble the press of the physical universe, they will be slobbering over Obama shortly.
So… puhlease.
3. Bad Things Are Going to Happen. The Important Thing Is How You Respond.
Firstly, bad things are happening. We’re at war, in two theatres. Iran has amassed enough material for an atomic bomb. Pakistan has an unstable government in charge of a nuclear arsenal, and the same probably holds true for North Korea. Russia is reasserting itself as a tyrannical power, and taking over where Krushchev left off – daring to tread into the Western Hemisphere. Obama’s plan – withdrawal, appeasement, capitulation. Doesn’t sound like Spidey to me.
2. Never Lose Your Sense of Humor
Between all of the “ums” and meaningless platitudes, I haven’t recognized any sense of humor. Joe the Plumber sure didn’t see any sense of humor. In the sarcasm department, Barry Dunham is no Peter Parker.
1.With Great Power There Must Also Come -- Great Responsibility
God knows Barry hasn’t had to learn this one yet. Voting present doesn’t represent “great responsibility.” Responsibility means answering for hanging out w/ the bad guys like Wright, Ayers, and Rezco. Responsibility means ‘fessing up to voting against American troops and a war strategy that worked. Barry has got a long way to go to learn this lesson.
KU reaching out to Hurt
7 years ago
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