19 February 2009

Top 5 Countries We Could Buy With The "Stimulus" Bill

Over at the Heritage Foundation, they did a great job of compiling information on the "Syimulus" package. It summed it up with the following; "The 'Stimulus' bills your family $825 Billion - equivalent to $10,520 from EVERY FAMILY IN AMERICA." You can read the article here:

Nonetheless, the efforts by cooler heads to avert this financial disaster were unsuccessful, and now we are on the hook for $1.4 Trillion dollars in kickbacks to Democratic constituencies. To try and put that in perspective, I have put together a list of my Top 5 countries, by GDP, that we could "own", as opposed to the pet projects that we will now "own". Read 'em and weep:

5. Saint Kitts and Nevis($527,000,000). The "Stimulus" package calls for $650,000,000 for the Digital Converter Box coupon program. Seriously. It's 2009. If you don't have cable or a satellite dish, you're not serious about watching TV. We could buy the islands, ship out every analog yahoo, and still save money. It's win-win:

4. Aruba ($2.258 Billion). You could have the "Happy Little Island" for the same amount that Libs want to spend on a "zero-emissions" coal plant in Dunham-Obama-Soetoro's home state of Illinois. A coal plant or an island paradise? You be the judge. Besides, this way, we could finally get some real cops on the Natalie Hollowell case, and we could give Greta Van Susteren a shot at that smarmy little Joran van der Sloot.

3. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea ($25,960,000,000). I mean, we've already entrusted a Clinton to handle this problem, and he wound up costing us more than this in the process. Do you really think Ol' Cankles is going to do much better? Let's just buy the place and be done with it. What could be more stimulating to our economy than 24 million Happy Meals???

2. Saudi Arabia ($376,000,000,000). I mean, how many problems would this solve? For starters, let's put a Wal*Mart at the Al-Masjid al-Harām. A true pilgrimage would surely ensue. Let's then put the Marxists who have run America's public school system into the ground in charge of the madrasas. At least, when they learn to hate America, they'll be too lazy and too stupid to do anything about it. And, we can end this ridiculous infatuation with "green" projects and "alternative energy". Let's just make the foreign oil, that the Left tries to demonize for political purposes, into domestic oil. Energy problem solved.

1. Sweden ($455,300,000,000). I mean, I'm saving us nearly a TRILLION dollars, and we were looking for "stimulus", right???

Change? How 'bout a $1,000,000,000,000???

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